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Authenticate using Google

You can let your users authenticate with Portkey using their Google ID by using the Portkey SDK for sign-in flow.

Access the PortkeySDK.AuthService

The AuthService class is the entry point for all authentication API calls. It is accessible through PortkeySDK.AuthService.

IAuthService auth = PortkeySDK.AuthService;

Authenticate with PortkeySDK

  1. User is to get a Google Credential by signing in to their Google ID through the GoogleCredentialProvider.
// mySuccessCallback will be called when a Credential is successfully returned by GoogleCredentialProvider.
  1. After getting Google Credential, we will check if the user has already signed up with the corresponding Google Credential before. A user who already has an account with Portkey should have one or more Guardians returned from the callback.
StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.GetGuardians(googleCredential, guardians =>
if(guardians.Count == 0)
// No guardians, have never signed up before...
// Has a Portkey account...
  1. Depending if the user has a Portkey account, we can either sign up or login.

    • Sign up flow

      1. Sign in for the user through the SignUp function. A DIDAccountInfo will be returned after a successful sign up that contains the signing key and account information for the user.
        StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.SignUp(googleCredential, didAccountInfo => 
        // user has successfully signed up and his info can be found in DIDAccountInfo
    • Login flow

      1. Get the amount of approved Guardians that is required to login the user.

        int requiredApprovedGuardians = PortkeySDK.AuthService.GetRequiredApprovedGuardiansCount(guardians.Count);
      2. Verify the Guardians through AuthService to get ApprovedGuardians for the login.

        List<ApprovedGuardian> approvedGuardians = new List<ApprovedGuardian>();

        for (int i = 0; i < requiredApprovedGuardians; ++i)
        StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.Verify(guardians[i], approvedGuardian =>
      3. Use the ApprovedGuardians to login the user.

        StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.Login(guardians[0], approvedGuardians, didAccountInfo =>
        // user is logged in and his info and signing key can be found in DIDAccountInfo


The following is a sample code to authenticate a user through the whole sign up/login flow with their Google ID.

using Portkey.DID;

public class GoogleLoginExample : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private PortkeySDK PortkeySDK;

public void SignInWithGoogle()
PortkeySDK.AuthService.GoogleCredentialProvider.Get(credential =>
StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.GetGuardians(credential, guardians =>
if(guardians.Count == 0)
// No guardians, proceed to sign up
StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.SignUp(credential, didAccountInfo =>
// user has successfully signed up and his info can be found in DIDAccountInfo
int requiredApprovedGuardians = PortkeySDK.AuthService.GetRequiredApprovedGuardiansCount(guardians.Count);

List<ApprovedGuardian> approvedGuardians = new List<ApprovedGuardian>();
// Guardians exist, proceed to sign in
for (int i = 0; i < requiredApprovedGuardians; ++i)
StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.Verify(guardians[i], approvedGuardian =>

while(approvedGuardians.Count < requiredApprovedGuardians)
// wait for guardians to be approved

// first element of the guardians array is the login guardian
StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.AuthService.Login(guardians[0], approvedGuardians, didAccountInfo =>
// user is logged in and his info can be found in DIDAccountInfo

Next Steps

After the user has signed up or logged in, a DIDAccountInfo will be returned that corresponds to the Google ID used to login. DIDAccountInfo contains signing key and account information that can be used to get a user's account balance and sign transactions.

Sign out

To sign out a user, call Logout.
