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Contract API


  1. CAHolder: AA address, each user corresponds to one CAHolder (the same user's different accounts, for example, his "Apple" and "Google" will correspond to 2 CAHolders).

  2. Guardian: The method through which users authenticate, including credentials like email or Apple ID, and a specific verifier.

  3. Manager: An externally owned account (EOA) address used by a wallet to initiate transactions (often referring to a device). A single CAHolder can correspond to multiple Managers.

  4. Strategy: An authentication strategy that considers conditions (e.g., the number of guardians) to determine if the authentication is successful.

  5. Protobuf: You can click here to learn more about protobuf.
    Version currently in use: proto3

API documentation

Initialize contract

  • API definition
rpc Initialize(InitializeInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message InitializeInput{
aelf.Address contract_admin = 1;
  • API function

    • Initialize the AA contract
  • Time to call

    • When a contract is deployed on aelf blockchain
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • contract_admin should be zero contract address
    • The contract is initialized for the first time

Create CAHolder

  • API definition
rpc CreateCAHolder (CreateCAHolderInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message CreateCAHolderInput {
GuardianInfo guardian_approved = 1;
ManagerInfo manager_info = 2;
StrategyNode judgement_strategy = 3;

message GuardianInfo {
GuardianType type = 1;
aelf.Hash identifier_hash = 2;
VerificationInfo verification_info = 3;

message ManagerInfo {
aelf.Address address = 1;
string extra_data = 2;

message StrategyNode {
StrategyName name = 1;
repeated StrategyValueType type = 2;
repeated bytes value = 3;
  • API function

    • Create user's AA wallet
  • Time to call

    • When user registers
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller needs the address's controllers
    • The number of guardians meet the StrategyNode
    • Verifier address is legal
    • Manager info is legal

Add Guardian

  • API definition
rpc CreateCAHolder (CreateCAHolderInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message AddGuardianInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
GuardianInfo guardian_to_add = 2;
repeated GuardianInfo guardians_approved = 3;
  • API function

    • Add Guardian to the designated wallet address
  • Time to call

    • Omitted
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The Guardian to be added does not exist in CAHolder
    • Verifier address is legal
    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder
    • The number of guardians_approved should meet what's set in the CAHolder strategy

Delete Guardian

  • API definition
rpc RemoveGuardian (RemoveGuardianInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message RemoveGuardianInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
GuardianInfo guardian_to_remove = 2;
repeated GuardianInfo guardians_approved = 3;
  • API function

    • Guardian Delete Guardian
  • Time to call

    • Omitted
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder
    • The Guardian to be deleted should not exist in Approved Guardian
    • The Guardian to be deleted should meet what's set in the CAHolder strategy
    • The Guardian to be deleted must not be a login Guardian

Update Guardian

  • API definition
rpc UpdateGuardian (UpdateGuardianInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message UpdateGuardianInput{
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
GuardianInfo guardian_to_update_pre = 2;
GuardianInfo guardian_to_update_new = 3;
repeated GuardianInfo guardians_approved = 4;
  • API function

    • Update Guardian
  • Time to call

    • Omitted
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder
    • Verifier is legal
    • The Guardian to be updated should not exist in Approved Guardian
    • The Guardians not updated in this CAHolder should meet what's set in the CAHolder strategy

Set login Guardian

  • API definition
rpc SetGuardianForLogin (SetGuardianForLoginInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message SetGuardianForLoginInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
Guardian guardian = 2;
  • API function

    • Set the Guardian for login
  • Time to call

    • Before the user logs in
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • Guardian (email/Apple ID)+verifier ID has not been used before
    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder

Unset login Guardian

  • API definition
rpc UnsetGuardianForLogin (UnsetGuardianForLoginInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message UnsetGuardianForLoginInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
Guardian guardian = 2;
  • API function

    • Unset the Guardian for login
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder
    • The Guardian was set by calling SetGuardianForLogin

Manager excecutes the AA contract

  • API definition
rpc ManagerForwardCall (ManagerForwardCallInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message ManagerForwardCallInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
aelf.Address contract_address = 2;
string method_name = 3;
bytes args = 4;
  • API function

    • Execute AA contract method and send an inline transaction to the contract address
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder

Execute Transfer/TransferFrom

  • API definition
// Manager send transfer transaction.
rpc ManagerTransfer (ManagerTransferInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

// Manager send transfer from transaction.
rpc ManagerTransferFrom (ManagerTransferFromInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ManagerTransferInput{
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
// The receiver of the token.
aelf.Address to = 2;
// The token symbol to transfer.
string symbol = 3;
// The amount to to transfer.
int64 amount = 4;
// The memo.
string memo = 5;

message ManagerTransferFromInput{
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
// The source address of the token.
aelf.Address from = 2;
// The destination address of the token.
aelf.Address to = 3;
// The symbol of the token to transfer.
string symbol = 4;
// The amount to transfer.
int64 amount = 5;
// The memo.
string memo = 6;
  • API function

    • Equivalent to Transfer and TransferFrom
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder

Social recovery

  • API definition
rpc SocialRecovery (SocialRecoveryInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message SocialRecoveryInput {
aelf.Hash login_guardian_identifier_hash = 1;
repeated GuardianInfo guardians_approved = 2;
ManagerInfo manager_info = 3;

// Trigger LogEvent upon calling:
message ManagerInfoSocialRecovered {
option (aelf.is_event) = true;
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1 [(aelf.is_indexed) = true];
aelf.Address ca_address = 2 [(aelf.is_indexed) = true];
aelf.Address manager = 3 [(aelf.is_indexed) = true];
string extra_data = 4;
  • API function

    • When users log in on new devices
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The number of guardian approval should meet what's set in the strategy
    • Manager is a new Manager
    • The number of Managers doesn't exceed limit

Add Manager

  • API definition
rpc AddManagerInfo (AddManagerInfoInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message AddManagerInfoInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
ManagerInfo manager_info = 2;
  • API function

    • Add Manager
  • Time to call

    • When users log in on new devices by scaning code and a new Manager needs to be generated on the device
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder

Remove Manager

  • API definition
rpc RemoveManagerInfo (RemoveManagerInfoInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message RemoveManagerInfoInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
  • API function

    • approve Remove the current Manager, not approval from Guardians needed
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder

Remove other Manager

  • API definition
rpc RemoveOtherManagerInfo (RemoveOtherManagerInfoInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message RemoveOtherManagerInfoInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
ManagerInfo manager_info = 2;
repeated GuardianInfo guardians_approved = 3;
  • API function

    • Remove other Manager, approval from Guardians needed
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder
    • Cannot remove the current Manager

Update Manager

  • API definition
rpc UpdateManagerInfos (UpdateManagerInfosInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message UpdateManagerInfosInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
repeated ManagerInfo manager_infos = 2;
  • API function

    • Update Manager
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is one of the Managers configured in the CAHolder
    • The Manager's extra_data is not empty

Add verifier node

  • API definition
rpc AddVerifierServerEndPoints (AddVerifierServerEndPointsInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message AddVerifierServerEndPointsInput {
// If not exists, add; If does, insert
string name = 1;
string image_url = 2;
// Add all, ignore if has duplicates
repeated string end_points = 3;
repeated aelf.Address verifier_address_list = 4;
  • API function

    • Add verifier node
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the node admin
    • The number of EndPoints is greater than 0
    • The image URL is not empty

Remove verifier node

  • API definition
rpc RemoveVerifierServerEndPoints (RemoveVerifierServerEndPointsInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message RemoveVerifierServerEndPointsInput {
// If not exists, ignore
aelf.Hash id = 1;
// Remove all, ignore if do not exist
repeated string end_points = 2;
  • API function

    • Remove verifier
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the node admin
    • The number of EndPoints is greater than 0

Add CA Server

  • API definition
rpc AddCAServer (AddCAServerInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message AddCAServerInput{
string name = 1;
string end_points = 2;
  • API function

    • Add CA server
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin
    • The Name is not empty
    • The end_points is not empty

Delete CA Server

  • API definition
rpc RemoveCAServer (RemoveCAServerInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message RemoveCAServerInput {
string name = 1;
  • API function

    • CA Delete CA
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin
    • The Name is not empty

Obtain account info

  • API definition
rpc GetHolderInfo(GetHolderInfoInput) returns (GetHolderInfoOutput) {option (aelf.is_view) = true;}

message GetHolderInfoInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
aelf.Hash login_guardian_identifier_hash = 2;

message GetHolderInfoOutput{
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
aelf.Address ca_address = 2;
GuardianList guardian_list = 3;
repeated ManagerInfo manager_infos = 4;
  • API function

    • Obtain account info
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The login_guardian_identifier_hash is not empty
    • The Guardian corresponding to loginGuardianIdentifierHash should exist
    • The account should exist

Obtain verifier

  • API definition
rpc GetVerifierServers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetVerifierServersOutput) {option (aelf.is_view) = true;}

message GetCAServersOutput {
repeated CAServer ca_servers = 1;
  • API function

    • Servers Obtain verifier servers
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • None

Obtain CA server

  • API definition
rpc GetCAServers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetCAServersOutput) {option (aelf.is_view) = true;}

message GetCAServersOutput {
repeated CAServer ca_servers = 1;
  • API function

    • Obtain CA server
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • None

Validate account info

  • API definition
rpc ValidateCAHolderInfoWithManagerInfosExists (ValidateCAHolderInfoWithManagerInfosExistsInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message ValidateCAHolderInfoWithManagerInfosExistsInput {
aelf.Hash ca_hash = 1;
repeated ManagerInfo manager_infos = 2;
repeated aelf.Hash login_guardians = 3;
repeated aelf.Hash not_login_guardians = 4;
  • API function

    • Validate if the account has the login_guardians and not_login_guardians provided in the parameter
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The number of login_guardians and manager_infos provided in the parameter equals the existing number in the account

Validate strategy

  • API definition
rpc ValidateStrategy (ValidateStrategyInput) returns (ValidateStrategyOutput) {option (aelf.is_view) = true;}

message ValidateStrategyInput {
StrategyNode strategy_node = 1;
map<string, int64> variables = 2;

message ValidateStrategyOutput {
bool bool_result = 1;
int64 int64_result = 2;
StrategyNode strategy_output = 3;

message StrategyNode {
StrategyName name = 1;
repeated StrategyValueType type = 2;
repeated bytes value = 3;
  • API function

    • Call the Validate method in the contract to check if the strategy is legal
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • None

Set contract delegation fee

  • API definition
rpc SetContractDelegationFee (SetContractDelegationFeeInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message SetContractDelegationFeeInput {
ContractDelegationFee delegation_fee = 1;

message ContractDelegationFee {
int64 amount = 1;
  • API function

    • Set contract delegation fee
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin
    • The management fee should be greater than 0

Get contract delegation fee

  • API definition
rpc GetContractDelegationFee (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetContractDelegationFeeOutput) {}

message GetContractDelegationFeeOutput {
ContractDelegationFee delegation_fee = 1;

message ContractDelegationFee {
int64 amount = 1;
  • API function

    • Get contract delegation fee
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • None

Add controller (controller can be used to create CAHolder)

  • API definition
rpc AddCreatorController (ControllerInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message ControllerInput{
aelf.Address address = 1;
  • API function

    • Add controller
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin

Remove controller

  • API definition
rpc RemoveCreatorController (ControllerInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message ControllerInput{
aelf.Address address = 1;
  • API function

    • Remove controller
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin

Get controller

  • API definition
rpc GetCreatorControllers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ControllerOutput) {option (aelf.is_view) = true;}

message ControllerOutput{
repeated aelf.Address addresses = 1;
  • API function

    • Get controller
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • None

Change admin

  • API definition
rpc ChangeAdmin (AdminInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message AdminInput{
aelf.Address address = 1;
  • API function

    • Change node admin
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin

Get admin

  • API definition
rpc GetAdmin (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (AdminOutput) {option (aelf.is_view) = true;}

message AdminOutput{
aelf.Address address = 1;
  • API function

    • Get admin
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin

Change the switch of

  • API definition
rpc ChangeOperationTypeInSignatureEnabled (OperationTypeInSignatureEnabledInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message OperationTypeInSignatureEnabledInput {
bool operation_type_in_signature_enabled = 1;
  • API function

    • If enabled, when interacting with a guardian, it will validate whether that guardian supports the specific operation. The known operation enumerations are as follows:
enum OperationType {
Unknown = 0;
CreateCAHolder = 1;
SocialRecovery = 2;
AddGuardian = 3;
RemoveGuardian = 4;
UpdateGuardian = 5;
RemoveOtherManagerInfo = 6;
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin
    • The current status should not be the same as the updated status

Set AA contract addresses

  • API definition
rpc SetCAContractAddresses (SetCAContractAddressesInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
message SetCAContractAddressesInput {
repeated CAContractAddress ca_contract_addresses = 1;

message CAContractAddress {
aelf.Address address = 1;
int32 chain_id = 2;
  • API function

    • Change the AA contract address of the corresponding chain
  • Conditions that need to be met

    • The caller is the contract admin